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2D Platform Game with HTML5 & JS

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2D Platform Game with HTML5 & JS

Postby 3KyNoX » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:58 am

I'm making a Aladdin remake for working at
Disney and purpose it for the interview. I need some help, I hope
finding some answers here.

I'm preparing a local IIS server while writing here to show U exactly
the problem.

Well, i'm actually preparing an interview to work at Disney in Pragua
(CZech country) the 9th December ... and I'm French :)

I got the idea to remake Aladdin retro SNES Game by following this
tutorial => ... ement.aspx

I am actually at step 10 : Define a level.

This tutorial use parallax scrolling with 3 backgrounds scrolling at
different speeds to make a nice deep effect and place a sprite "film
strip" to animate the character controlled by the keyboard.

To define the level (where i am) the tutorial purpose a Level.js class
to generate a stacks of blocks table from the ground. The class
Player.js have been modified to ensure collision to theses blocks with
the character works correctly.

The problems is my Aladdin Game don't look like exactly the example
given on the Tutorial, in that sense the character in the tutorial
appear in the front (depth(z) = 4) with 3 scrolling background in the
back (z = 3, 2, 1). Inside my game, i got a background in the front (z
= 4), character just behind (z = 3), and rest two last backgrounds in
the back (z = 2, 1).

.... Oops ... Pause! Webserver IIS is ready, port forwarding ready,
domain ready, check by yourself :

Use Google Chrome for better performance :)

Well, as u can see, on the second Barrel, i have put one object,
collision is okay.

- First problem, that image move with the front background, not with
the second one where is the character. This is problematic to set
precise object on the 2D world while moving the character.
- Second problem, on the tutorial, to put this collision objects, it
uses an stacks of blocks array. It suppose all collision objects are
on the ground. That's not true for me in my case. I have to set
objects from the ground and also on the air.

On the tutorial here the example pic : ... 39207B83...

About my example i have to put collision objects on Barrels, Tents,
Rims, Hooks. It's not the same.

I think the best way is to not use an array here and define objects on
the fly, each one per each one. And also find a way to set collision
physics on these objects.

Well I hope U understand all and my english is correct anyway.

Thanks for Help.


Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:53 am

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