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HTML standardization and counter visitors real-time

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HTML standardization and counter visitors real-time

Postby hlakkache » Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:36 am

as a user, I would have liked a standard to be developed to allow everyone to know how many people log onto a website. permetterait it to create a persistent link between the user and the rest of the world by providing information of visiting a place. This information could be included in the HTML header. One could then make public additional information such as geographic areas of IP arising from WHOISDB (I speak about public informations). One can imagine having tomorrow in search engines like google attendance information next to the search results.

Do you know if this idea has already been studyed in HTML wg ? I think about the design of variable.
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Re: HTML standardization and counter visitors real-time

Postby JAB Creations » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:18 am

What you want involves server-side scripting which XHTML and HTML are not. If this is something you would like you will either have to build it yourself or consider existing solutions.
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