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This is how I would like computer games to link together.

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This is how I would like computer games to link together.

Postby Robert Lacy » Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:36 pm

I am a guy. I like to play computer games. I like to post suggestions for new games and updates to games, in forums and stuff.

Let a game that has other games, as components of it, be called a super conglomigame. Let a person or persons, who make such a game, be called a conglomigator.

A super conglomigame should have three parts.
1. Lots of stand alones.
2. Some item using module games
3. One and only one, item collecting persistence core.

It is known that, sometimes people who make games, make their game available for people to add to their website. This would make it possible for people to make their game available, for people to add to their game. In order for them to do this, they would have to add super standardized achievements, to their game. The conglomigator, when he added such a game to his super conglomigame, would manually assign one or more game items to each achievement.

Item using module games would be games that use the game items. I don’t imagine there would ever be very many of these to choose from. A congomigator would probably have to make their own. Each Item using module game would add a number of items to the super conglomigame. There could be a registry for items.

The item collecting persistence core, would probably have to made from scratch, by the conglomigator. This would be good because it would stop stupid people from making super conglomigames.

I would like most of the super conglomigames to not allow player2player trading or to use what I’m calling deal steal trading. The way this would work is:

There would be a chat room or something for setting up trades.
A player would click on a player and that would send them a trade request.
If the other player accepted the trade request they put up items for trade.
If both accepted the trade there would be a period of thirty hours, that people could try to
steal the deal.
Lets say that the trade was one x for 1000 x’s .
Lets say two people wanted to steal the deal of 1000 x’s for one.
Lets say fifty people wanted to steal the deal of one x for 1000.
That would make three people that wanted to trade 1000x for 1x, and fifty one that wanted
to trade 1x for 1000, counting the two that set up the trade.
Because three is lower than fifty one, only three trades would go through.
Of the fifty one that wanted 1000x for one, three would be chosen at random.

I need all this to be ftp. I need it work on my chromebook.
Robert Lacy
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:35 pm

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