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If you are stuck or have questions regarding HTML or other Web technologies, ask your questions here. No question too dumb!


Postby NIRSCH » Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:58 pm

Hi !

As you can see I am new in this HTML5 world so let me tell you what's goin' on.
I made a "ERP" system for my work, based on html, php and mysql in order to save, delete, show and update my info. Then I see some html5 pages and I found them very interenting and pretty :D but the thing is, after I use an html template and readin' a couple of manuals ( pdf ) I've got my page and look's a little pretty so far (more practice I need) but I can't make that my inputs get into my DB (Mysql). I am using my php files to connect, but even If I write the code the Chrome browser shows me the code, for example:

$link = mysql_connect('kauffenheute', 'root', ' ');
(!$link) {
'Successful connection';

so, Would you please tell me, where can I find some of this info? any help would be perfect.
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Joined: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:41 pm
Location: LENZBURG

Postby BlueBoden » Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:16 pm

What seems to be the problem? Is your MySQL connection failing? Or do you get the code as plain text?

You need a web server such as Apache with PHP installed, and have your server configured to handle the ".php" file extension.

Either the above, or find a host which enables you to use these technologies. (Shared hosts are very cheap, and most supports PHP/MySQL).

I also think you would need to specify a username and password for your database connection. I.e.

Code: Select all
$Host = 'localhost';
$User = 'UserName';
$Pass = 'Password';

$Connection = mysql_connect($Host, $User, $Pass);
$SelectedDB = mysql_select_db($MYSQL_Dbase, $LDB_Connection);
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