Nearly every web site, from static HTML to RIA, has one or more sections of content that are paginated. Unfortunately though, each site has its own way of implementing pagination links or javascript methods which paginates content within a block element via AJAX.
Graphical browsers have always provided "Back" and "Forward" UI buttons (and corresponding keyboard shortcuts) for navigating through their history. Yet none of the major browsers (as far as I know) provide browser buttons or keyboard shortcuts that take advantage of:
<link rel="previous" href="... />
<link rel="next" href=".../>
Since browsers don't utilize this information or expose it to users in a useful way, web designers & developers have no motivation to provide it.
Proposed Solution:
HTML5 compliant browsers should be required to provide, at minimum, a standard key binding for pagination and ideally a Previous and Next button somewhere in the UI. These UI buttons would only be enabled if the web page provides the URIs with the corresponding REL attributes.
Also, as a convenience to web designers and developers, the rel="previous" and rel="next" attributes & attribute values should be allowed either in <link> elements in the <head> or <a href="..." > elements in the <body>.