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<!--[if IE 6]>
Special instructions for IE 6 here
zcorpan wrote:Would be better to have browsers behave the same so that you don't need to do different things for different browsers.
you could create a page that will use a generic layout in unknown browsers, "filters" in IE, "transitions" in webkit browsers
It should be noted that if all browsers were to correctly implement the CSS specifications released by the W3C there would be no need for Conditional-CSS.
zcorpan wrote:That article saysIt should be noted that if all browsers were to correctly implement the CSS specifications released by the W3C there would be no need for Conditional-CSS.
I think this is what we should aim for instead of spending time on specifying and implementing various ways to work around bugs (which will themselves probably have bugs too and can't be used in currently used browsers anyway).
However, CSS bugs are a fact of life for web-developers and are often extremely frustrating. Conditional-CSS offers us a simple solution to overcome these problems.
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
// HTML 5 entities for IE.
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