Xdega wrote:...I feel the community at this point is simply to small to have a diverse "contest" of sorts...
You are correct, from the number of posts here it seems that this community is indeed too small,
in itself, to draw entry into a contest of sorts, but perhaps that ain't the point Mein Führer...
What is the point of this board? what is it's purpose?
Let me say that I am a lowly hack, and potentially a net beneficiary rather than net contributor of activity here--- and hopefully that's ok. From my point of view I am looking for activity, I want to read and learn- and throw my cents and questions in when appropriate, so what is lacking?
Not a fancy board or forum, although I agree 100% that something slick and simple would be real cool. What is lacking is people. Could the point about a competition not be that it be used to generate membership?
Would a well-crafted competition not be the perfect vehicle to attract just the "right sort" to this forum? what is the right sort? who is interested in HTML as a living breathing standard? who is interested in standards? what are the benefits?
What about a depository of templates, we could all contribute and this also could be used to attract membership. What about a facility to comment and provide feedback about sites we all publish? (perhaps and extra level of protection for this)
I know these seem like suggestions, but they are not... I am simply throwing ideas out there first. I dunno your thoughts on competitions in general but what about a simple CSS type thing like the zen garden?! - just to get started? - blog about it it, post about it, throw up a few well-seo'ed' pages and attract entries and potentially active members
From what I see there are only a handful of contributors, a few new folks trickle in and then trickle out, only coz of lack of activity. What new levels of activity do you see coming?