In the non-XML HTML 5 syntax, what would be the equivalent of the "xml-stylesheet" processing instruction? Would it be the same as in HTML 4?
The spec says that "UAs conforming to this specification will place elements in HTML in the namespace, at least for the purposes of the DOM and CSS." Does that mean the style sheets for non-XML HTML 5 documents will need to use namespaced HTML elements, or would they use non-namespaced ones like they do for "well-formed" HTML 4 documents?
On a side note, when you go into a site and find they're using a "well-formed" version of HTML 4 or XHTML 1, that makes it easy to make changes to the site by simply adding the "xml-stylesheet" instruction. If they're using a non-"well-formed" 1997-or-earlier version of HTML, it's much more difficult - and much more costly for the client ... sometimes on the same order as recoding the site, so in many cases they wind up just trying to "fix" the old code. There are some cases where it's easy to convert to well-formed HTML 4 code (by simply adding the missing end tags), but when it's not that simple at least management understands why when you explain that the (non-"well-formed") HTML syntax that their site is using is based on a 10-year-old standard. Will there be any difference in concept of "well-formed"-ness in HTML 5 between the two concrete syntaxes, other than the coding of the end tags?
I see the references to namespace-well-formedness with reference to the XML syntax, but not the non-XML syntax.
I would suggest that it needs to be made more explicit that (at least going forward from the 1999 standards) there is the requirement that all "valid" documents must also be "well-formed" - that is, tags need to be properly closed either with end tags (for example, MSIE prefers "<iframe ...></iframe>" over "<iframe .../>", even in XML documents) or else self-closed ("<img .../>"). Otherwise it's going to seem like the "bastardized" version of HTML coding recognized by some browsers still fits into the various levels of conformity of non-XML HTML 5 documents (not well-formed or valid --> [recognized by some browsers but not well-formed] --> well-formed but not valid --> well-formed and valid).
The spec says that "Void elements only have a start tag; end tags must not be specified for void elements." Since all tags in a well-formed document must be closed, that seems to indicate that void tags in well-formed (but possibly not "valid") HTML 5 documents (both XML and non-XML) would preferably be self-closed ("<... />"), where well-formedness in HTML 4 and XHTML 1 documents could be achieved by adding a separate end tag - and for HTML 4 is probably preferred by browser implementations.
Does heavier reliance on the in-memory DOM indicate that in the future there may also be alternate concrete representations of style sheets? For example, either XSL XML style sheets or some other non-XML style sheet could be applied to the non-XML HTML5 and XHTML5 documents.
Thanks in advance.