I have a project on the horizon that will require me to re-write the front-end of a large newspaper's website. I'm currently on the fence about using HTML5, or I should say, the degree to which we can use it. The problem is this.
Newspaper websites are large and super complex, especially in Scandinavia. Their front pages regularly weigh in at between 5 and 15 mb (or more) in size, contain a lot of embedded flash, cross domain scripting, and are just in general very (very) long and client intensive to parse and render.
This makes using something like html5shiv - or for that matter, anything that crawls the DOM in an effort to appease IE sort of out of the question.
So the options so far go something like this:
A) Continue with a standard like XHTML 1.0, wait for the next revamp in 3 years (when IE9 is over 70% of the IE install base) to roll out a true to form HTML5 version.
Strengths: We know our XHTML implementation will work, no surprises.
Weaknesses: Could it be less search engine friendly? Other drawbacks? Not sure.
B) Begin using the new HTML5 structural elements (article, aside, etc.) today, all the while nesting them in parent DIV in order to comply with IE8 and below.
Strengths: Could offer a quicker path to HTML5 when the time comes. Gets the publishing system and developers up to speed on working with new structures and formats-
Weaknesses: Could go horribly, horribly wrong.
C) A third way - I don't know what that could be, that's why I'm asking for advice.
If you have any experience with this dilemma, an idea or an opinion about how to proceed, I'm all ears. Thanks.