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Bind a value in a backing bean (defined by getter's & sette

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Bind a value in a backing bean (defined by getter's & sette

Postby ivanradmore » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:11 am

I am currently involved in developing an Internet Application using Netbeans 7.0 with JSF/Ajax/CSS3/EJB 3.0. I want to bind a value in a backing bean (defined by getter's & setters) to an HTML5 component without using JavaScript.

The following code refers to HTML 5 components and my backing beans that I am using.

<p><label id="seven" value="#{indexBean.loginResult}"/></p>
<input name="#{indexBean.username}" id="fifth" type="text" required/></p>
<p><label>Display password</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="loginBool"
<label id="loginPaswd" value="#{indexBean.loginPassword}"></label>
<input name="#{indexBean.password2}" id="fifth" type="password"
<button onclick="{indexBean.confirmUser}">Login</button>
<button action="#{indexBean.confirmUser}">Resend password</button>
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