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HTML5 control - advice appreciated!

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HTML5 control - advice appreciated!

Postby spparker0113 » Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:24 pm


I'm hoping someone can give me a shove in the right direction with a control problem I'd like to solve.

I'd like to show a graphic of a rectangular box that shows three sides, and allow the user to drag to resize along the 3 axis (length, width, height) in such a way that I'd be able to get a corresponding value for each of those. It wouldn't necessarily need to be a 3D object, although that's obviously what I'd like to simulate. The use case is just a snappier presentation for collecting those three measurements than text boxes or sliders. It would be great if I were able to provide those as well, and have the values entered reflected in the proportions of the graphic.

I'm a career web developer, but admittedly new to HTML5. I've seen loads of examples that would seem to indicate that individual parts of this need are possible, but nothing that ties it all together.

Thanks very much in advance for any direction you can provide...really excited about and looking forward to learning this new paradigm!

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